We use
new ways of thinking and being
to improve effectiveness
Creative Behaviour:
Climate, Culture, Collaboration and Change
Creativity and Emotional Intelligence – Vincent Nolan, 2007
’‘ ’Creativity’ and ‘Emotional Intelligence’ are often mentioned in the same breath, correctly in my view because they are closely connected. In this article I want to describe the specific connections I see between the two, derived from my experience of creative...
Creativity: The Antidote to the Argument Culture – Vincent Nolan, 2002
Distinguishes three elements in creativity: creative thinking, creative behaviour, and creative action, and shows how creative, constructive behaviour is the cornerstone of all creative problem-solving. – while the culture of debate widely used in business is often...
The 3 R’s – Respect, Relatedness, Recognition: Essentials in Conflict resolutions – Truida Prekel, 2012
The key SynNovation concepts and behaviours that help to create a respectful, collaborative climate and to resolve conflict. It also touches on leadership, cultural diversity, dimensions of power, the SCARF model and how insights from neuroscience support the approach.
How the Emotional Field (Climate) Impacts Performance – George M. Prince
Independently of the creativity movement, others have demonstrated the benefits of creating positive fields. The term field was derived by Kurt Lewin and states that behavior is determined by the totality of influences on an individual in a given situation. (Lewin,...
Creative Thinking:
Creativity and Innovation Techniques
Unlocking youthful creativity
“I don't even know how to put it on paper, the impact that one of the camps I attended 2 years ago had. It changed my young life forever! At the camp you spoke about the mind and how it works, but you then mentioned something more. You said about 98% of us lose our...
What ever happened to Synectics – Vincent Nolan, March 2003
The article brings the story of the Synectics creative problem-solving techniques (originating in 1960) up to date. It identifies its origins with a group of inventors, who tape-recorded their meetings to research their creative process, and the resulting benefits and...
Five Fallacies In Brainstorming – Vincent Nolan, 2004
Brainstorming has moved from a specialised, skilled activity into more general use in management. However, the practice is not always successful. Five fallacies are discussed, and remedies suggested. Readers are guided to select new ideas intuitively on newness and...
Unlocking creativity despite participant constraints – Truida Prekel, 2007
Sharing experiences and practical approaches used in facilitating creativity sessions, despite constraints in the composition of participant groups – working with multi-language groups, blind participants, or with people with limited education. Constraints could also...
Excursions and Metaphors – Getting crazy ideas, and turning them into brilliant solutions – Truida Prekel & Lu-Marie Sobey, 2007
Excursions and metaphors are among the most powerful techniques in the Synectics process. Excursions help to create some distance from tasks, to produce unusual ideas with potential for novel solutions, while metaphors help to turn seemingly “crazy” ideas into...
Creative Action:
Implementing Innovation in Business and Education
Assessing the value of Synectics principles for Business students – Retha Scheepers & Lana Coetzee, 2010
A report on research at Stellenbosch University in which the knowledge and skills of final year BCom students was measured before, immediately after and three months after SynNovation training. Results were that students had gained new insights, retained skills over...
Sowing seeds for innovation at universities – Truida Prekel & Lu-Marie Sobey, September 2012
An overview of work done by at three universities using the SynNovation approach, including top management strategies, measuring the “durability” of innovation skills training, getting student leaders to take ownership of a major social change, developing new HIV-AIDS...
Stimulating Collaborative Innovation in Product Development and Manufacturing: Using the SynNovation Approach – Truida Prekel, February 2004
Manufacturers must become more innovative as markets constantly change due to influences including customer preferences, logistics, environmental and safety considerations, technology, competition, and legislation. They also need to ensure cost effectiveness and...
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