Our Services

Our Services

We develop

creative capability, collaboration and change-readiness
through training,  facilitation and change management led by a team of innovation catalysts

Imagine what it would be like if your teams were energised to solve problems creatively and action ideas together with a high level of commitment?

At SynNovation we help leaders in organisations to unlock new opportunities and solve problems by creating a stimulating culture where people and ideas can thrive, using tried and tested methods and creativity as a magic ingredient.

Many organisations know creativity and problem-solving skills are essential, but don’t quite know how to get their team there. We make that happen in a surprisingly short time, using creative problem solving and design thinking tools to achieve collaboration, innovation and action.

What makes us unique is that we achieve improved team performance in minimum time by seamlessly integrating collaboration, creativity and change management. People will feel energised because they experience positive fun together.

The Synectics / SynNovation process, supported by neuroscience findings, has a proven track record of achieving lasting change for individuals and teams in organisations around the world.

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Smart organisations know they must innovate and lead effectively to get – and stay – ahead of their competitors. We can help you do just that.

If you’re looking to build effective teams with thinking skills and solution mind-sets to help improve your profits, deliver better services and enjoy better operational efficiencies – we’re the right choice to partner with you.

With you, we enable sustainable long-term change and innovation through custom-designed programmes. As clients, you can opt to select elements of the tools, skills and strategies best suited to your requirements for short- or long-term involvement.


Our products

Our 3 Key Elements


We unlock people’s creative thinking as they access their creative genius to solve problems. They then turn fresh ideas into practical action. This builds lasting creative thinking skill and ability, needed for innovation.


We have a unique but powerful way to establish a positive culture, which is essential for genuine engagement and effective collaboration. This kind of collaboration ensures that creative thinking is transformed into innovation and sustainable change.


We define a ‘problem’ as the gap between where you are and where you want to be; and ‘change’ as the opportunity to find ways to get there. The secret to our success is collaborative change – seasoned with creativity – that enables people to embrace the new.

Our Way

We use

creativity to supercharge critical and analytical thinking
to uncover fresh solutions and implement new ideas

It’s the kind of thinking that makes people more energised, positive, adaptive and resilient for change. The power of the approach is that it simultaneously addresses creativity, novel strategies, behavioural and people issues, and focussed innovation to deliver practical implementation.

The SynNovation approach is unique, participative and practical as described in “Our story”

We work with a team whose diverse skills and backgrounds enable us to work locally, internationally, in-person or on-line and across multiple industries.

We partner with you to:

  • Combine and customise our products in a way that suits your needs
  • Equip your people with the behaviours that build a collaborative climate
  • Stimulate creative problem solving to sustain business excellence through constant innovation
  • Build team engagement, ownership and enthusiasm to implement action plans
  • Enable exceptional customer care: happy end-users mean a stronger bottom line.

We facilitate:

  • Ideation and strategy thought-shops for teams
  • Problem-solving for multiple stakeholder projects
  • Customer-directed innovation thought-shops
  • Win-win solutions in conflict situations
  • Personal and team development through workshops and Belbin team-role profiling
  • Diversity, gender and inclusivity programmes
  • Events and conferences with active participation.
  • Innovating with your consumers…

We train:

  • On-line courses (public or in-house)
  • All training is highly participative, working in small groups
  • Instant innovation training from 2 – 7 hour standard products
  • Customised innovation training, adapting tasks to fit organisation
  • Combine training products with a customised innovation thought-shop

To find out how our powerful process can energise your business and your people, or what products are right for you, please get in touch.

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